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Raccoon capture Laurentians

Call on Wabo le Trappeur for the capture and relocation of raccoons in Laurentides.

Raccoon Capture in Laurentides

In case of raccoon intrusion inside your home, you should contact us immediately. It is essential not to block anything and especially not to disturb them.

They occupy attics from March, mainly to have their young. Trying to chase them away could further complicate our service.

We are professionals in this field. Our mission is to capture them humanely, alone or in family, and to let them continue their life in their natural environment.

We take care of raccoon capture in Laurentides.

Raccoon capture Lanaudière
Our Services
  • Raccoon capture and relocation
  • Skunk capture and relocation
  • Groundhogs capture and relocation
  • Squirrel capture and relocation
  • Capture of beavers, rats and mice
Our Main Assets
  • Exceptional service
  • Professionalism
  • Reputation
We Serve
  • Lanaudière
  • Upper Laurentides
  • The Laurentides
  • Laval
  • Montreal

Professionals in Raccoon Capture in Laurentides

Experts in the field, we know the habits of raccoons. We know where they settle and how to dislodge them.

Carriers of rabies and other diseases, these animals can cause a lot of damage in your home.

Since raccoons are a protected species in Quebec, we will not harm them. Our mission is to capture them and release them in their natural environment. We also capture squirrels and groundhogs.

Our mission is to capture and relocate raccoons and other protected animals in Laurentides.

Raccoon capture Saint-Jérôme